Booktrovert Reader Podcast

Slow Burn Fantasy Romance Continued: Deep Dive into Blood Mercy: Part 2

Charity the Booktrovert Reader Season 2 Episode 28

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Hello Readers! In this book podcast episode, we are continuing with the slow-burn fantasy romance book review of Blood Mercy by Vela with my Bookstagram bestie @bookish_megeen! This book review has been done in two parts! If you haven't already, head over to Part 1 HERE to listen to more of the deep dive of Blood Mercy.

Some of the things we talk about:
✨Thoughts on the king refusing the help of magic to save from Frost Plague

✨The king's refusal to save her sister.

✨Was this truly a slow burn and thoughts about it

✨Lio using magic for Cassia’s first time? The Feast?

✨Talk about the ending


Bookstagrammer Megan Links Below:
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Check out my full book review on my blog: Blood Mercy Book Review

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Megan_ Blood Mercy Part 2



 Fellow readers, this is charity to your host, a booktrovert reader. I am coming with part two of the book Review of Blood Mercy by Vela Roth. I have bookish Mageean with me, Megan to come again to talk about the book. We had a lot to say in the Part one and now we're at part two. I don't even feel like we have fully extended Lee talk about this book because there's so much detail. And then you say one thing and it triggers another thought and then we're rampaging that way. Yeah, 



 it's it's so easy to get off. Like, I'm going to, like, open the book. I think I'm going to open the book. I'm going to look at the the contents really 



 quickly so I can just read it. There's so much here. Like think about it. There's so much there is, what, 635 pages? I don't even know how many chapters that equates to. I know in the audiobook they break it down. But here she doesn't actually have chapters, which I kind of like because you're not sitting there mentally, like counting down how much you have left. Yeah, 



 I really appreciate that. But yeah, I am going to look over this beautiful glossary. This glossary is like pages and pages thick, which makes me super happy. 



 So 1s what it's based off like she divided it up in sections, so it's like counting down the days to the to spring equinox. And within those sections it's divided up in the chapters. But instead of chapter numbers, it's like a title instead. So it's like. Oh, of course I choose a hard word. 3s Me too. I did as well. 



 The way of things. The way of things. There's one through the veil as a nurse. The heretic in the temple. Yeah. Yes. I miss chapter titles so much. I mean, you know, back in the early 2000. Yeah, 



 yeah, early 2000. So I used to happen a lot, but now they kind of diverted from that and I miss it. So, like negotiations? Yeah, 



 it sets the mood. You're like, okay, let's 



 do more games. 1s Wallflower. I love that. 



 Oh, man, this is such 



 a good book. So I'm just looking right? I think this was originally copyrighted in 2018, if I'm not mistaken. Let me look. I think it's here somewhere in the book, right? 



 Yeah. 2018 was the first copyright. 



 Oh, there's a table of contents with the chapter names and everything 



 because Solstice, the cloak, dusk rites, Blood in the Night, Trespassing, Blood union. Okay, I'm going to stop because obviously people can get the book and look at the chapter names themselves. I'm just going off right 



 before pleasure passes Blood yet. Oh, my favorite. The 



 face. Yes. 



 Yes. I'm not making fun of it. I just I just love chapter name. So I love it 



 because it's dramatic. It sets the mood and it's dramatic. It sets the expectation of the chapter. And like, here's the thing about these two. This this to me is like there's I'm skipping ahead. I think that this is part two. See, was this truly a slow burn? And the thoughts about it like there's a part in this where they like brush like hands and you're like, 



 oh my God, 



 Like, it brings back like that historical kind of like romance where like, you're watching Pride and Prejudice and, like, the smallest little thing happens. It's 



 like, Oh, my God. Yes. You're like, 



 Give it to me. So you're sitting there and you never know. You never it's like you never know exactly when it's going to happen. And like when they embrace for the first time when they just hug each other because he's giving her comfort, it's like. 



 They're touching. It's like they're they're hugging 



 and you're, like, freaking out and so excited. But then, of course, you it does. It's not like it takes the whole book for them to get together. And it's not like it takes the whole book for. It to happen again, you know what I mean? So you definitely submit the story between them and the the bond between them in this book. But I will say that I loved that. I don't know if it would be called angst. Is it angst that kind of like anticipation of. Right. Like 



 it's the hardest way to describe. It's called I. The one thing I wanted to describe is called it's like an epic love story. Yeah. And because it's such a slow buildup, it's not like a slow burn angsty like, oh, I want to touch him. I know. It's like it's it develops. It's a super that. Yeah, it's a true slow burn. Yes. Like if you want to fan the flames, you're going to have to get to page 500 or something like that. You know, 



 you don't have to wait that long. I don't think it's still 500, is it? I don't think it it I 



 don't even. Well, I read it at Cassius Blood or something like that. I 



 don't know. I don't it doesn't feel like it's that long, but it also does, if that makes any sense. 



 It's not like forever. 



 Yes, it felt like forever. I remember thinking, like when I first read this, I was like, oh my God, I this is so slow. She's torturing me. She's torturing me. But like, in terms of like the slow burn, not slow as in the story, it's like she's torturing me. She's doing it on purpose because like, every moment that I feel like he broke down a wall with Keisha. Yeah, it was like, 



 Ah, it's happening, It's happening. 



 I see. I see this development. 



 Yeah, I definitely that's why I love it so much because of the fact that it just wasn't quick. It's like a when it actually, when they actually got brought together, when they made the decision to be together, it felt real because you were with them. That whole journey 



 to kind of talk a little bit more because I realized that I've been going out of my way not to really like talk so much about the story because I don't want to give anything away. But I mean, isn't that what we're also doing? So I never know how like the line to like walk with this. So basically when you start out he smells smells her, gets the vibe for her and is like, that's interesting. She's interesting. And she is like, when they're there, she is like ready to try to like, find out more because of things that we find out later that have to do with her sister and the mercy. And that's why this is called blood mercy, you know, but and like I don't know if you notice at the end they talk about Leo Solace or something. And I was just like, Man, Villa just plants these little for like the next because the next one's called Blood Solace. You know what I mean? 



 Like, it's just like Bella's just, like, 



 over here giving us little, little bitty hints of what's going to happen next. And I love it. But anyway, to get back on on focus, they end up meeting because he's out. Basically feeding off 1s deer. Right. And he's very kind about it. He doesn't. He doesn't hurt the deer like nothing like that. The cool thing about this is like his venom actually. Like, heals like his saliva, his venom. I don't know what you want to call it, actually. Like, heals is healing, has healing properties. So everything is very the opposite of what normal vampires are. So they meet up in secret at night and we get to see them during the day, what happens during the day, And then they come back together at night and we get to see that anticipation growing and we get to see each kind of, I guess, breakdown of the walls. And we also get to see how caring Cassia is and how much by the end of it, she's like, I want to help. Who cares if they think I'm stupid? Or who cares if, like, this happens, like I'm going to help them get out, even if it means that I don't get to see Leo ever again. Because obviously this is a forbidden romance between them. And there is no there is no future in this for either of them in terms of what they know internally. They don't want to accept it, but internally they know that there are no expectations outside of like when they're supposed to leave. 



 Right. And just going forward, I know I should have said this in the beginning. Spoiler alert, we're spoiling it. 



 I did mention spoilers. I did mention that look out of the blue at the beginning, but I don't know if we had already spoiled things. 



 So if you're hopping in on Part two, there is a part one to go to. I really reiterated that Part one has spoilers and part two will have spoilers. I don't think we've revealed too much, but. 1s But we will be. Yeah. Yeah. We're not holding back. We're not holding back. Yeah. So. All right. So I was just going to say I got a little more about Hesperides. They, they, there is a lot of same things about springs with vampires. They have to sleep during the day. They can only walk at night. And during this special time of this special tradition that they do that they get a chance to roam the grounds. And I guess they're like so afraid of them that they're like, You can't come into the summit, okay? So they can't come into the castle and no one in the castle can go out to them. So forbidden romance right from the get go, you know, because Cassie is not even supposed to be in that area in regardless. Yeah, and 



 they can. And I give them mercy to people who are, like, dying on, like, battlefields and that 



 kind of stuff. Right. A little more I guess. Springs They have like, their. Oh, wow. Ambassadors. Is that how they called them? Ambassadors. Yeah. And they're considered their aunts, uncles and cousins. Even though they're not blood related. They're considered that because of the fact that. When that you get an inducted, I guess turned over into a hesperian you're actually considered a son or daughter or cousin at that point, even though you're not blood related. 



 I feel like something we didn't hit on last time. I feel like now I'm being less like Fangirling and more like into the story. 



 Yeah, I feel 



 like I had to get the fan girl out of me in part one, and now I can be like, okay, let's talk about it. Let's talk to Dig 



 Deeper. Yeah. 1s So I love that this story is a lot about found family and it's a huge it's basically like these people are mostly adopted, you know, because they can't assess Marines. They can't have children. They are quote unquote, vampires, but they can give new life. And like even like 



 you learned more about that book, too. So I'm not going to tell you anything 1s by it. 



 Don't you dare spoil. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 



 No, I almost did. I almost said things, but I didn't. But you learn a lot more about the family culture in the second book, but it is mentioned like Uncle, Uncle Arrows. Arrows. Is that how it's 



 a glossary? Yes, 



 I love that There's 



 a glossary. Oh, I am so dependent on that glossary. 



 Look, Villa, I'm so sorry. I'm mispronouncing. Like I listen to the audiobook. I should know for 



 sure. 1s I do wish there was, like, a punctuation. Punctuation. Is that how you 



 pronounce pronunciation? Yeah, I wish it was kind of a breakdown of that, but, you know, I'll take the glossary. I'm not going to be too picky. Yeah, 



 well, I. I will say, like, you do hit certain things on it and you find out, um, like in the way that he tells. Um, 1s Casio. Oh, my God. I need to take a drink of water. My throat. 



 It's getting. I'm. 



 I'm bringing the glossary and our our gross. I guess not only does it say that who he is to Leo, but he also tells about who he is to all the other historians. And then it also talks about what he he is as an ambassador and then it talks about what he is also as well. And then in his human life, what he did, I'm like, wow. 



 Yeah, yeah, I love it. And like if you look at it like, say, like veil veil ours hesperides term for the time of night devoted to private hours with friends, family and lovers. Like, it's just so good. Bella really put so much time into this. And like, there's also like, silver tongue, see? Like, and 



 it's just. So now I'm reading it a little hold on. Like Trial Circle did we learn anything about his trial family? I think he meant they mentioned it, but I don't think they go into depth. But anyway, I love that the story like the family centric. It's basically like most most often it's almost like an adopted family. And the way that you say like brother, sister, cousins like they're all because they're all in the union. They all have like this like love and empathy for one another that goes beyond anything that humans would know. And I really like that. The story makes the humans basically the bad guys 



 excuse me, makes the humans the bad guys and the vampires. Hesperides like these empathetic creatures that. I don't know that that are just tops, really. 1s I just think it's such an interesting dynamic. But I know. Part two A Thoughts on the King refusing to help the help of the magic to save the Frost Plague. Okay, So I can't remember if we have already found out about the sister before this or after this. 



 It's after for sure. It it's after. Okay. Because I remember it being, like, par for the course. Like, Yeah, this guy, of course, is not going to like. They're all very egocentric. They're all very like. Like there's going to have to be a creative way for them to go around it. Because if he allows help from the hesperides, it's it's causing it's causing hesperides to look like they are helping, like they're helpful. And it's also going to cause people to think, oh, well, maybe there are more benefits 



 to getting to know them and also make him look weak because he needs help. He can't do it on his own. And he's very egocentric. 



 By the time the Frost plague is getting introduced into the storyline, it we're really getting to know who the king really is. He's not just a jerk to Cassia, he's a jerk to his nation. We find out that he wants to take out Hesperides. He wants to get rid of Cassia. Just get her up because he's such she's such a hold on him. His quest for more power, whatever the case may be, there is this intense plague that is being threatening his own nation. But because of the whole magic that the Hesperides could offer the solution to, he's like, No, too bad. No, I 



 really like how these sisters she goes to Cassia and basically is like I fully support this like do it 



 the amount of even Leo having to hide them helping each other out was extensive too because he knew that in negotiations, if they went against the king so outright that it would cause problems. So even he had to hide it from his own people to get this plant to them, to grow, to save this these 



 people. A lot of it's very cute how Leo kind of justifies because he's like, I'm not lying and I know I'm hiding something, but it's not lying. I won't outright lie to them. 



 Yeah. And he uses his magic to make it hidden too, and everything. So I thought that was very funny. So so we're getting to know this. King He's a jerk. And. And then just to get kind of into the storyline of a sister who is actually the heir to the throne, the illegitimate daughter of the king, she somehow gets captured by I don't remember who it was, but she gets captured and these people go to the king and they said, Give up your kingdom or we'll kill your air. And he's like, Go kill her. Then he's 



 like, okay. And 






 like, I don't need her. 2s I'm not. I'm never going to die. I'm going to always be. King No, he doesn't say that. But 



 and he and they're like given like, you know, the ultimatum like you have until the next day to decide. And he's like, no. 



 Yeah. And like the the people don't know that. Like to the people she's still beloved and to like the officials like she still beloved. There's only a few people that know the truth of 



 that. It's very heavily guarded secret. It's it's more it's conveyed as she was captured and killed by these people and everything. And that's where Cassian meets the Hesperides for the first time. And she she actually got away from them and try to go into that fortress to get her sister. And the Hesperides actually was about and told her, you know, it's dangerous out there. I think he's safe. They save her and they're like, you know, we'll go find your sister for you. And I think when they came back, they're like, Yeah. She went on to the next life and. That was hard to to read, to to for them to be willing to go do that, risk themselves and to give her kind of a little bit of a closure on what happened to what actually happened to her sister. 



 Yeah. And what I what I love about it is that little Cassie recognized that she recognized how kind they were being and like she grew up always thankful for that. And like they offered to give her, I think it's their rights or something. I don't remember what the right 



 it was. Oh, I love their rights. I want to I want to know what it 



 is. Oh, you find out, girl. You find out not I don't remember which book, but I know you find out. You find out. 1s You find out more. I know 



 there's. I know. And there's more to it. I know there is, but. But I loved what they said to her to to give her comfort to as her the last rites. And like, just think about it like her sister. I don't know. I don't remember everything. But I remember like from Cassius point of view anyway, Like, what we find out in the story is how instrumental Cassie's sister was to setting kind of like a form of self confidence and self-worth in her. And like, her sister was still young, you know, And so it makes it definitely very quickly realize, yes, she is beloved, she should be beloved and she should be like she was obviously someone who was very kind as well and did what she could for Cassie in every way that she could. And. It also makes you think like, was it just because she's a woman that the king was so easy to like, let her go? Was there more to it? Like. Like in these stories, I have nothing but answers. Like, I'm going to be real with you. Most of these like like like we said in the part one, I have a distrust for characters. 



 Yeah. So immediately, like Uncle Aras, I was immediately like something. Watch him be like a traitor somehow. And like, I started, like. Like watch him, like, be in league or something. Like, I always think the worst of these characters and like, I'm like, What's the third act breakup going to be for, like, Cassie, you know, And like, you know, you just sit there like these formulas that you're kind of so used to reading you come to expect. And I love that Bella kind of challenges those. She still surprises you in ways that you weren't thinking about because you were so stuck on these traditional beats or like stories. I again, I just got off topic. But yeah, you're, you're going to the next one the next point anyways, that's what I like about this, the slow burn. We talked a lot about it in the first part and it didn't do the third act third act breakup because it was more of like their situations tore them apart and you're like, No, no, we 



 we worked so hard on 



 this. Why are you going to take them apart now? 



 He's like, Be happy. 1s You know, I like how he was able to like he's forced back into his world. Unfortunately, because of everything that was happening in the plot, he can't go back to her. But he's like, I think he's like, No, I'll come find you. I'm like, Are. I said it wrong earlier. I looked at the back of the book and I'm like, True to Cassius nature, it's not a lake is like, Wait for me. I'm going to read it because I think it's so cool how he said it. It says, He said, Cassie, I need you. I'm going to say I'm terrible. Wow. This is why I don't narrate. Cassie, I need you. The magic ebbed around, around her ebbed and Leah's image began to fade. Wait for me and then skip over a little. She's like, No, Cassie, a burst. I will not wait for you. You think I would idle here in the palace walls in Tarboro, Canberra and wait for you? She took another step toward him. Her fist Stutter sides. Mark my words. I will not rest until I bring you to me This. I swear I will make a way. I was like, Yes. 



 And it's a far difference, right, between the Cassia at the beginning and the Cassie at the end. Not that like she didn't have the that strength, but just that she has now that confidence that she can do this and that she will, you know 



 and yeah, she's like, I'm not waiting on you. I'm going to be going after you and I'm going to bring you to me. Yeah, I'm not waiting around. I got you. 2s She's like, I'm not being the damsel. We are 



 partners, friend. We are partners. 



 Yeah. When I first read the first sentence, though, you know, like how you try not to read ahead. And I had to cover the words because I was like, I don't want to, like, accidentally read too fast. And. And when I first saw No, I'm like, uh oh. 3s I'm like, Garcia, don't do this to 



 me. Yeah, yeah, like that. That to like the opening, which is Cassie was always one maneuver away from her last breath, which let's just talk about how wonderful that line is that Cassie was always one maneuver away from dying. You know what I mean? Like, dang, girl. Like, right? That first line, Right, That first line. 2s But from that to I got you, like, I'm going to. I'm going to I don't know how I'm going to do this. And now I'm eight books in or seven books in. I forget how many she has, but 



 I'm not going to say so 



 because I don't want to see. 



 Yeah, don't ruin it for me. Don't want to. 3s But think, 



 say I love this world. I love learning about it. 



 I got to like June 3rd of 2024 to catch up. 



 You got this? You got this. 



 Okay, So. 



 Okay, back to where we were. Where were we at? 



 No, that was the first point. And we jumped at a third point and then went back to the second point. And then, yeah, that's where we lost. Are we 



 doing Leo's using magic for Casa for the first time. The feast? Yeah. 



 Since we're jumping off from slow burn, you had perfect. Like you said, the virgin trope. It could be hit and miss. For me, I think this is like, maybe my second time. I came across a virgin trope that was open door and I felt like it was very done very well in that sense. It wasn't like, Oh, are you okay? Let me keep going. You know, 1s it was it was done right in a in a relationship aspect of it. It wasn't rushed. It wasn't like some some books I've read with the virgin trope in it. And and the fact that also he used a little magic to make her experience more 



 comfortable. Yeah. And I love that. She's like, no, I don't want I don't want to, like, not be present or not feel or not experience a moment. He's like, Oh, no, no, no. It'll just ease any pain, you know, it's like. So sweet. It's very much like a even though he is also a virgin. It because he's such an intuitive person and knows Cassius so well. He's he basically just like any thought that she might have or worry she might have. He's like there to completely like rest assure he's super supportive. I'm telling you, he's the best cinnamon roll that's ever been written. 



 Yeah, it's going to say that enough times. Need to eat well now. Yeah. 



 He's so sweet. He's just so sweet. And part of it is because he is a spring, right? Like, and he's grown up in, in this like, so that is who he is and the culture that he was raised in. So it makes sense, right, for him to be just that sweet and amazing without any true ulterior motives other than to lift someone up. Right. But yeah, that's good. 2s I'm just going to say that every time it's good. So I will say, even watching Leo do his magic, the first time that they met where he was like weaving kind of like a veil around her so she wouldn't be detected. 2s And her not to realize that that was being done and then that she got home just on her own without being detected and everything. And when he was like, you know, I know I did this, but you left it, you know, like and because she was like she there was a point where she was like, she didn't understand how the magic system work or anything. So she was basically like, Oh, but can this person smell this on me? Can this person like tell Like, would they be able to sense the magic or like whatever? And I, I think it's really fun to learn the, the dynamics like. Leo Very, very Leo kind of like puts down. They're like, what are they? Sorcerers? What are they called? I can't believe I don't remember this. Mages, 



 mages. I think it's mages, but I'm not 100% on that. I didn't catch every 



 detail in this book, but I think they're mages. But it's it's very fun to see him kind of like no you would have to basically be intimate with them or close with them or like you know what I mean, for them to even notice anything. No, 



 I think mages is actually used for the mortals. The human people. 



 Yeah. So like they're, they're like the mortal magic users, the ones that just like the, the ones that use too much magic to kind of show off, you know, like in Leo's over here thinking, why would you do that? Like that? Like, I just think it's very interesting to see how powerful Leo truly is and how kind he is. Like, there's a point where he tells Cassia, Oh no. Like I'm, I can like, mess with your mind. I can mess with people's minds like, and they won't know or like, you know, like, and, and her finding that out because she's already so distrustful or mistrusting that it's she just doesn't even blink an eye. She's like, nah, I trust you. Like, I know you wouldn't do that to me, but I love seeing how powerful he is and how the first time we see him use magic on her. He asked permission, like not necessarily around her or to protect her or to like, cloak her. But the first time that he actively uses that magic on her, he asks her permission. And it's it adds to the intimacy of the moment, you know. And I thought it was really sweet. It's just such a sweet freaking book 



 that just reminded me a moment. And you tell me what you think. There was a time where Castillo is like, You can drink for me. And he's like, No, I'm not going to do that for you, you know, because he's he realized that she was using him in that situation or the other way around. I can't remember how she said or he said it and he was like, No, I'm not going to do it because he saw through her intentions. Yes. 



 So basically he was like, you know, you can bite me, no big deal. And he she at first thinks that she's being rejected. Like I'm just not to your taste. And he was like, no, you're using your a you're using me as a little bit of a rebellion. You know, like this is a way to get to her father, but also, like, he's like, he's like, you're going to want it when I do it. Like, you're going to wholeheartedly just want this whenever it's done, like you're going to like it. His patience like him saying no in his patience because he he knows he he can taste basically that. Or like since I forgot how it is but he can sense her her emotions for those who don't know that. So he was able to tell that she wasn't even necessarily aware that what exactly her motives were in that. And they weren't they weren't completely like because she wanted it. So him saying no in that patience was like a total power move. I was like, Oh, you're so sexy with your patience. Like like dang. And like he like, hit a tree. I think even after, like, when she left, he, like, hit a tree because he turned down the offer and it kind of like, it kind of pissed her off. Like, how dare you tell me what I think? How dare you? Like, you know, like, it kind of, like, upset her. It 



 kind of called her out. I think it so. Yeah, that's what I think. Yes. 



 Yeah. No, it did. It honestly did. Because he has that kind of like sixth sense, if you will, to be able to know because people don't always know exactly what their motives are. And it may not completely. And I think her starting to realize the difference between manipulation and being moved around like a chess and like a porn piece unhealthily, and that being like the goal. And then also someone like Leo who doesn't necessarily think he knows exactly what's best for her all the time, but wants to lift her up and doesn't want anything tainted for her, including that. Right. Because that's going to mean a lot to him to that, I think. Like when she gets to know him, she can get to a place where I don't have to question his motives, you know what I mean? And that's something new and different for her. She has to question everyone's motives. 



 I think that it was just like a true balance of power, I guess, in a way, because. You know, he was always checking her to to like, like you said, not to be used by the king, by trying to get to him. And because I think she did go in that situation in a moment of desperation. But he's like, I'm not going to use you it that way. But it personally got it tore him up because I'm pretty sure he was like, I want to because he according to this world, he's very drawn to her scent, drawn to her. And it's like as we figure out in the end why that is the case and I guess it's a big thing is that he that is his grace. Is that how they say it? The grace. Yeah. And that's a it's kind of like the whole faded mate thing. And I'm so glad they didn't use my mate, faded mate. I was so over that I 



 Yeah. And I think it shows a really higher level of understanding without being in her mind and being able to kind of like pick up these beats from her. Now I will say technically, I guess because her scent and like her, her blood and everything calls to him on that level because they are Grace's. I could see how someone might say that there is like an instant lust. But I do feel like had Kasha been different personality wise, like that would not have happened. And you don't really see that from Leo until like you do. He's like, Yes, I want this, but he's able to compartmentalize and he's older, he's much older than her. And we're finally seeing like an older being that acts older on maturity level than someone that looks the age of, you know what I mean? We're seeing that because we're so used to, you know, fey that are like this hundred years old and that 100 years old with this like person that's young, but they're still kind of on the same maturity level at one way or another. Whereas here you truly see that Leo is on kind of like another wavelength without being without talking down to her while still treating her like an equal. But he just has these other gifts that have allowed him to have this deeper understanding of her that she may not even know. And it helps her to even like grow up and learn those things because she's only ever really known deceit, manipulation, ridicule. And she's not seen a lot of the world, you know what I mean? 



 It's I forget the age difference because. In our own way. Both of them are mature. Yeah. And he's 



 only like 40 or something, right? Like, he's not like, hundreds of years old. But 



 for right. For 



 us, he's still considered older than Cassia, even though he doesn't look it for his people, he's still considered young. 



 Yeah, I think he's, he's the first time in Bassador and so he's very young into this, but he's very powerful as Hesperian. So I thought that was very interesting. And I don't it's like a part of that, like I hate age gaps because a lot of sometimes authors really, really narrow down on that. Like, I'm older than you, I'm more mature than you or you're older than me or something like that. And it gets kind of like, but it was mentioned, but it wasn't like brought to attention and it wasn't through their personalities that they're like, Oh, there's an age gap. Yeah. 1s Less process is talking about the ending. 



 Oh, that ending, though. 1s Well, things went down in that ending. 2s I will say I love that Cassia helped them out and did it in such a way that no one would suspect her, like in the moment when they were doing their spell, like she gave them blood. Like offering a blood, basically. And she's like, Who cares if you think that I'm just some horrible girl that swooned and accidentally used this shovel 



 to hurt herself while, like, dodging herself? Yeah. 



 And I just. I love that. And I love that. Immediately he knew and his eyes were on her and that the other hesperides afterwards recognized while being like she may not have meant to do it, but she did it. And I just I, I just love this dynamic of neither of them can be very honest except for with each other. And now they're being brought apart in this ending. So there's really no one now that they can be super honest with. And I am curious to see your thoughts on book two and how that goes. 



 I know because obviously the Hesperides, his other ambassadors are with him now, kind of know a little bit. Obviously, he I guess there was the rebel children that people were after and they actually saved them as well in the process. Obviously, they kind of like, oh, they working together, you know? I don't think I mean, my thoughts are is that I don't think the king knows much about what happened. But obviously book two would probably tell more than anything. And then, of course, the mage who was trying to kill all of them for and make it look like it was an assassination attempt and it was going to kill all the nobles in one shot, including Cassia. I thought it was kind of like. 1s Interesting that the king was like because of how she was responding to him or she never showed up when he beckoned her, was sentencing her to die. And the king was like, Yeah, just kill her too. And all the nobles she deserves. It is basically like what he was at. Like she. Yeah, she deserves it. 2s Just like this guy is cruel. He's brutal, like. I'm just surprised the length that he's willing to go to get power and to get rid of these Hess Springs. Yeah, I definitely feel like even in that moment where, like, she finds out the plan, like the King's plan, and then she tries to be like, Hey, this is what's going on. And and Leo basically has to tell tell his people or like, whatever, and they have to plan for it. I just love the dynamic of definitely forbidden worlds on both sides because even with his own people like this is may not exactly be looked upon as like great, right? Like what were you doing during our summit? Like, you know, there's still that that kind of like I have to keep this secret for a multitude of reasons but one is he doesn't exactly know how they're going to react. And I think it's very interesting that he doesn't get to like in that the like last message that he gave, he doesn't really tell her exactly what she means to him or like none of that is really communicated. And I know it's quick and there's not a lot of time because they're closing the borders. The queens are putting a call out to close the borders, which means he will literally be trapped there. Um. 



 I just. I can't wait for you to read book two. 



 I can't wait. 



 Your book two. 



 One thing I'm excited about this series is that the whole part one, part two thing kind of threw me off for some reason. So I thought, okay, maybe it's their love story, this two part books, and then it's going to get into other things and other people in the other books. And when you told me that it's just them too, I'm like. Oh, my gosh, I'm going to be thrown through a whirlwind here. That's 



 not to say that we don't get other characters. It's like there are a lot of characters in this book, like in this in these books, I guess is what I should say. There's only more and more characters that get brought into these books, so you definitely get more of other people. But that's also the reason why people are like, I want them to get their own these people to get their own book or that person to get their own book, or what was the backstory of this person? And she does do short stories or novellas with some of the other characters. So you get to kind of have that. But. 






 The story is Leo and Cassius story. But there are a lot of people that get involved along the way. Right. Okay. You get to know a little bit about them as well. But I will tell you that the the love story is always very prevalent and their connection is always very prevalent throughout all of it. Even though there are plots and there are other people in this, it's always Cassius and Leo that are like the center. 



 I'm looking forward to it. Read part one. Part two. Yeah, well, bless 



 is just blood solace. I don't think there's a part. There's not a part two in Blood Solace. Right. Did I make that up? 



 Uh, yeah. I think Blood Sanctuary is part one. Part two and blood union is part one. Part two. Yeah. Okay, 



 cool, cool, cool. Yeah. Blood solace. It's a good one indeed. Let's see. Blood feast comes out 



 juicy. So that's why I got till June 3rd to catch up. Someone I 



 can created it. How 



 is that possible? Who. Who raided this book? Who has read this book already? 



 Someone's already raided it. And I'm finding them now. Who is this 



 person with no profile picture? 1s Like, who are you? How did you 



 get a hold of this book? I want it. 3s I'm glad that you enjoyed this because I'm always really nervous anytime I give RECs because, you know, I'm such a mood reader that I can be like, Oh, let me tell you all the things and all the reasons why you might not like this, just to make sure you're in the right mood and the right headspace to try to start reading it. You know? That's why I was like just, you know, it's like high fantasy and it's very detailed. It's a start. It's not an ending. It's not a happily ever after. It's a continuation of a story. But it's not a Cliffy. It's not like one of those like, Oh, no, someone's in jeopardy. It's how are they going to get back together? You know? 



 Exactly. 1s Our favorite people torn apart. They need to get back together now. 



 We just spent so many pages getting them together, 1s and now Bella is ripping them apart. 



 Oh, cruel world. 1s Any last thoughts before we wrap up this? I know this just we only touched a smidge of what this book is about. Yeah, but we only have so much time to talk about it. So 



 literally, like, we this could go on for probably, like, at least another hour if we really wanted to sit and hit each plot and each beat. But you know, you also got to pick up the book and read it. If you haven't, 



 you got to experience it. But obviously, I hope you had it if anyone's listening or listening to this. So 



 do you have any favorite quotes? 



 I'd like to end. I just read that one. Yeah. It's when she's kind of like, No, I'm going to go find you. I'm not waiting around for anybody. I'm going after you. And I will not rest till I do it. 



 I feel like there was. You remember the dancing scene? I loved all of that, too, because, like, the one thing that they had to be very careful with is they couldn't have a lot of eye contact during the day or like a lot of contact. So for him to be able to dance with her, he had to dance with like everyone else before he danced. Yeah, like an after effect. Like I'm doing you a favor to, like, make it seem like I'm giving a hand out to you humans and your royal, like, you know. But I do like that he is like he is no match for you, to be sure, but he does not deserve a rematch with you. So like when one of the majors was being not great to her, who would not count himself fortunate to be your choice when all your choices are so carefully made? I think those are one of my two favorite ones. I have a lot more highlighted, but those those two stand out for me. 



 I like that one too. Yeah, that was that was a fun time. Yay. So. So what 



 are your predictions? I can't tell you any of my predictions for what's in the future for this. Do you have any predictions on what you're going to see in book two or what you want to see in book two? 



 I have predictions on that might happen throughout the whole book. Part of me thinks that Cassius sister is still alive, and I'm not going to look at your facial expressions in case you give me any hints I'm giving. And 1s and I think eventually there might be a time that Cassius might be doing the Blood Mercy as well. Eventually, I think Cassie will 



 you think that she's going to become heparin? Is that what you mean? Or do you think she's going to get the blood mercy to someone? 



 She's going to become history, okay? And she's going to have these amazing powers that are awakened. Or another thought is, is that she's going to find a way to get to that city. Where is at. So that's some of my predictions. 



 And what do you want to see happen? Like what are like this? These are like things ideally in this world that I want to learn more about or see happen, like I want. It was the right like you want to learn about the 



 rights. Yeah, the rights. And I do want to learn more about the Queen of the Hesperian. How does Leo fit in that world? The political I love the political intrigue and anything. So the political dynamic that happens after they shut down the walls and things like that, they're shutting everything down. What's going to happen next? Because it was pretty important for this treaty to happen. So now they kind of declared it's like almost as if the war was declared. So I'm wondering if that's going to be more of that background story in the in the second book, more development in that. 



 Okay, cool. Well, I definitely think we should read book two and no rush on that because I know you have other things that you have to read and other people you have to do 



 with. Yeah, I have to pace myself. It's it's so difficult. I'm getting better. I'm getting better. So. So thank you for 



 joining me. Yeah, thank you for having me. 



 And we'll definitely be looking into more books in the future to do together because I love interacting with you on this and thank you. Readers definitely follow Bookish Megan on Instagram and she's on Goodreads too, so and keep out for the next episodes because I have a lot more authors these schedules. So yeah, well, thank 



 you. And if you have Blood Mercy or any of the Blood Mercy series, please message me. I will talk about it all day. 



 Yeah. 2s Now let's eat. Snow bounce. So 2s thank you for joining me. Keep out for the next episodes and read with you later, readers. 

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